New Concept jerking baits; the RIPRIZER!
With the power sliding of side waves in the water, birr moments in between actions radically calls out your target in huge fields having most strong appeal ever made by any of jerking bait. Both water undulation and its silhouette brings high reaction bites, this is the new generation jerking baits.
Its calling ability can be shown by simple retrieves like one of those cranking baits. And this new high floating concept of “Ripping Rise technique” will imitate one of those minnows searching for the bugs on the surface.
With tons of evaluations and fields tests in its floating speed and angles, the Rising Motion by shaking its heads a side will automatically turn the switches of your target in the sub surface range.
Set its weight balance backward, aero dynamic designed body will create unbelievable distance by your castings. Eliminating so to say knocker noises by your jerking actions, exposing necessary shad clicks by the minimum rattles.
Built up to create high floating ability, allowing strong water pushes and wobbles by easy jerking actions, turning the switches to feeding bass that is what the true secret of RIP RIZER. The new jerk bait concept.
How To Use The Rip Rizer 130
RipRizer130 starts from Lake Bacarac in Mexico.
Suitable for big lake like Lake Biwa or others, where many big bass lives.
This is the lure when you need strong undulation to appeal to big bass.
Prop parts for tuning includes only for 130 models.
Rip Rizer 60 – Foating MODEL – Size:60mm – Weight:4.4g
Rip Rizer 60 – Suspend MODEL – Size:60mm – Weight:4.6g
Rip Rizer 90 – Foating MODEL – Size:90mm – Weight:10.3g
Rip Rizer 90 – Suspend MODEL – Size:90mm – Weight:11.6g
Rip Rizer 110 – Foating MODEL – Size:112mm – Weight:15g
Rip Rizer 110 – Suspend MODEL – Size:112mm – Weight:18g
Rip Rizer 130 – Foating MODEL – Size:130mm – Weight:20g